Donnerstag, 22. April 2021

Sorry, but a narcissist doesn't know love or want it. You are not his/her soulmate. You are simply supply with an open door policy, regardless of how many times you have been discarded. DO watch the video and part 2 also. Narcissist. Narcissistic Abuse. Sociopath. Emotional Abuse. Verbal Abuse. Financial Abuse. Mental Abuse. Divorce. Divorcing a Narcissist.

Sorry, but a narcissist doesn't know love or want it. You are not his/her soulmate. You are simply supply with an open door policy, regardless of how many times you have been discarded. DO watch the video and part 2 also. Narcissist. Narcissistic Abuse. Sociopath. Emotional Abuse. Verbal Abuse. Financial Abuse. Mental Abuse. Divorce. Divorcing a Narcissist.


Sorry, but a narcissist doesn't know love or want it. You are not his/her soulmate. You are simply supply with an open door policy, regardless of how many times you have been discarded. DO watch the video and part 2 also. Narcissist. Narcissistic Abuse. Sociopath. Emotional Abuse. Verbal Abuse. Financial Abuse. Mental Abuse. Divorce. Divorcing a Narcissist.


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